To host your website on the internet you can try different kinds of hosting. You can choose from Web Hosting and Cloud Hosting and both the hosting comes with different features and things in them. If you are confused between choosing Cloud hosting and web hosting you are at the right place as today we are going to compare the features of both the hosting.
Web Hosting
Under Web hosting users are provided space on the internet for the hosting their websites on the internet. The Web Hosting companies allocate space on the servers which allows them to upload their websites on the internet and access them via the World Wide Web. Your website is hosted on a single server and there is no guarantee of 100% uptime.
Cloud Hosting
Similar to Web Hosting, Cloud hosting also allows people to host their websites on the internet. Cloud Hosting companies allocate space on the online web for hosting of website. Instead of single server you will get multiple servers for a single cluster in Cloud Hosting. The architecture of Cloud Hosting comes with high hardware, performance servers which is suitable for large organizations and people who want 100% uptime because if one server fails to work in Cloud hosting, other server associated with the same cluster will back it up.
Some Differences between Cloud Hosting and Web Hosting Provider
Some differences which will help you in understanding better about cloud hosting and web hosting are shared below.
Data Limits & Availability
When you choose for web hosting you choose a particular plan or package and if you run short on bandwidth, disk space you can simply upgrade your package. You can easily pay for monthly or yearly basis for the web hosting packages. If you are having a huge business which experience high traffic then you should opt for a package with high bandwidth and disk space.
In Cloud Hosting you can adjust the bandwidth and storage as per your needs. In a way you can create your very own flexible package in Cloud hosting. You will only pay for the bandwidth which is being used by your website. If your website is experiencing high traffic, cloud servers will redirect it to servers which are having less traffic thus avoiding congestion and lagging.
Under Web hosting you have to rely on the server’s team for the running of your website. If the servers where your website is hosted, your website will also fail and won’t work, whereas in cloud hosting if any problem arises you don’t need to back up your data and transfer it to other hosting provider as cloud servers come with backup systems which will work if the main server start getting any problems. Your data will automatically get retrieved without any downtime.
We hope now it is clear to you about the features one gets in web hosting and cloud hosting. If you are having any questions in mind, use the comments section below.
Cloud hosting is becoming increasingly popular for businesses due to its scalability, cost savings and uptime. In comparison to web hosting, cloud computing leverages multiple servers that allow data storage and access from anywhere with an internet connection. With this type of setup companies can increase their capacity as needed without having to purchase additional hardware which allows them greater flexibility at a lower overall cost
Thank you for providing such an informative article. I’m sure many people will benefit from the comparison between web hosting and cloud hosting. For those who are still unsure which one to go with, it’s important to consider your needs first when choosing between them. Depending on whether your website is large or small, if uptime is a priority or if cost-effectiveness matters more – all these factors should be taken into account before making a decision as both options come with their own pros and cons.
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